Woman & Financial Awareness

Give a woman a fish and you feed her for a day;
Teach a woman to fish and you feed her (and her family) for a lifetime

Adapated Chinese

“I truly believe that liberty for a woman comes from the ability to make financial decisions for her life”

Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud, Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the US

Why Financial Awareness

  • It will empower you in ways you have not known before.
  • Your overall decision making shall improve since money plays a central role in most things in life.
  • You will become wiser when it comes to money matters.
  • Increases Confidence
  • It’s fun – (To acquire one more skill. Like painting, cooking, teaching, swimming, etc)
  • If you have to do it all by yourself, are you equipped to handle it?
  • It will keep you engaged in life, all along

How to learn money management

  • You learn things where you spend time.
  • Spending just 15 minutes a week for 1 year will help you get a good hang about money management.
  • Discuss with your family/partner about it.
  • Know how much money is in your name and where it is invested.
  • Look at your portfolio, once a month.
  • Discuss with your family financial advisor once in 3 months for half an hour.
  • She/He will give your a lot of information/idea.

Start with a small portfolio. SIP is a good way to start with.

It is easier than you think. All the best.

Thank You

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